History of the development
Known since the end of the XV century, belonged to Dorogostaysky, then Radzivills.
After the Second Partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1793) became part of the Russian Empire.
Since 1799 belonged to Chapski.
From 1815, a distillery plant operated here (in 1825, 12 workers).
In 1858, a stone Nicholas church was built at the expense of the landowner and peasants.
In the 1860s, the owner of the estate Chapsky created a museum here, with an area of 130 sq. m., Which had 8 departments. In 1894, part of the museum was transferred to Krakow, where it became the basis of the museum and library of Chapskys (now part of the national museum).
At the end of the XIX century, the Stankovo state was breeding purebred cattle from Sweden. In 1883, Chapsky received a gold medal on this occasion at an exhibition in Minsk.
During the second half of the XIX century, a palace, various pavilions, residential and farm buildings were built, which created the palace and park ensemble.
In 1876 the artist Napoleon Orda made a sketch of the estate Stankovo.
In 1899 Count Chapsky enlarges the brewery, the steam engine began to work.
In 1903 peat was mined near Stankovo, a sawmill began to work.
During the First World War in the summer of 1915, Stankovo was located in the frontline zone. The headquarters of the 4th Russian Army of the Western Front was located on the estate for some time.
In October 1917, residents of Stankovo and nearby villages began to cut wood in the lands of the landowner Chapsky. In 1917 there were 114 yards, 549 inhabitants. Soviet power was established in November 1917.
In 1919 a volost military registration and enlistment office operated here.
In the 1920s, an orphanage was created in the former palace and park complex.
In the 1930s during the collectivization a collective farm was created. In 1932, the Polish Pedagogical College began to work.
In the Second World War from 27/06/1941 to 07/06/1944 occupied. During the Second World War, a group of the Dzerzhinsky antifascist underground functioned in the village. At the front, 56 inhabitants died and went missing.
Tourism potential
House of Marat Kazei. There is a sign on the house: «In this house was born and lived the hero of the Soviet Union, the young partisan Marat Kazei».
Grave of Marat Kazei;
Stankovo manor and park complex Czapski;
Library «Skarbnitsa»;
Temple-tomb of Gutten-Chapskikh;
St. Nicholas Church (constructed in 1858, reconstructed at the beginning of the XXI century);
In the village there are many buildings XIX - early XX century;
There is also a military-historical complex «Minsk fortified area» near the village, the exposition of which contains tanks and other military equipment, transmitted in 2009 by the Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Minsk;
Ecological Tourism Center.