Currently, JSC "Turov Milk Plant" - a modern high-tech enterprise for the production of semi-hard and soft cheeses European varieties, equipped with the latest high-performance equipment of leading Italian and other European companies. Maximum automation of technological processes allows to produce high quality product in all respects.
The plant has a strict sanitary and technological regimes, management system of safety and quality of food production STB ISO 22000 and ISO 9001, the security system of production based on hazard analysis and critical control points HACCP. For processing the milk comes only premium varieties and "Extra". Production is carried out by the best Italian technology that meets all requirements and standards of the European Union, provided the deep processing of raw materials.
In the assortment of products of JSC "Turov Milk Plant" includes cheese varieties known European "mozzarella", "skamortsa", "provola", "mascarpone", "ricotta" cream cheese "kremchiz." In addition, technology companies are developing their own recipes for cheeses of the world famous technology Pasta Filat.
The taste and excellent quality of cheeses from Turov already evaluated both Belarusian and foreign buyers. Get introduced to production and get to know the secrets of delicious can be harsh on the production on tour of "Turov Milk Plant".