Travel advisory

Private research-and-production unitary enterprise «Automated tourism technologies»
220007, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Surazhskaya str., 10, office 21, tel/fax +37517 394-49-13

Travel advisory for tourists during excursions around Belarus

    • Rules of personal safety and behavior of tourists during the tour
      • You have to arrive on time to the starting point of the tour for 10-15 minutes before departure.
      • You should be loyal to the political system, social structure, traditions and religious customs of the host country, comply with the legislation, set rules and regulations of environmental protection, protection of monuments of history and culture of the country.
      • We recommend to follow the rules of personal safety and security of private property. Search forgotten things being on your own and at your own expense.
      • You can leave of the group with the permission of the guide or group’s head.
      • If you feel unwell or notice signs of illness in other members of the tour, you should made aware the guide or group head.
      • If the tour is associated with a visit to the production, it is necessary to adhere to the group, do not touch anything without permission in order to avoid injury (contact with moving machines, burn, etc.).
      • When visiting the monuments to fallen heroes it is done to keep silence, for males to shoot hats.
      • When visiting existing churches of any denomination it is recommended to pay attention to the appearance: do not go to church in shorts, open T-shirts, transparent blouses, miniskirts. Women are desirable to have a headdress.
    • Rules of personal safety and behavior of tourists in transport
      • Boarding the bus is performed immediately prior to the tour.
      • Hand luggage of tourists is located under the feet or on the upper shelves, the bus gangway should be free in order to traffic safety.
      • We recommend to avoid walking through the cabin while driving.
      • You can open windows only with the permission of the driver.
      • You should take care of the bus equipment, garbage should be put in individual bags and disposed of at the bus stops. In the case of damage to property the act for damage shall be drawn up and the compensation is carried at your own expense.
      • Do not drink alcohol and do not smoke in the passenger compartment.
      • It is forbidden to distract the driver while driving.
      • When leaving the bus do not follow the crowd, go gently on one person.
      • During stopping you must comply with the traffic rules when crossing the road with a moving truck.
      • During emergency braking you should stretch the legs and hands in the forward seat.
      • You should clearly fulfill the instructions of the driver, the head of the group or persons in loco in the case of an accident.
    • Visa-free entry to the Republic of Belarus

      Foreign citizens have the right to enter the territory of the Republic of Belarus without a visa, subject to certain conditions. Visa-free regime is valid for foreign citizens in the following cases:

      1. Provided to entry into the Republic of Belarus through the country airports;
        Visa-free regime with a stay in Belarus of up to 30 daysapplies to citizens of 76 countries, including all countries of the European Union. It is possible to enter and exit the Republic of Belarus through checkpoints: Minsk National Airport, Brest Airport, Vitebsk Airport, Gomel Airport, Grodno Airport, Mogilev Airport.
        You can see more information about visa-free entry rules in Belarus through the National Airport Minsk here.
      2. When you visit tourist and recreational area «Brest - Grodno»;
        Visa-free entry into the territory of the tourist and recreational zone «Brest – Grodno» allowed for citizens of 73 countries for tourism purposes for up to 15 days to visit the visa-free territory «Brest – Grodno» (Brest, Brest, Zhabinkovsky, Kamenets, Pruzhansky districts of the Brest region, Grodno, Berestovitsky, Volkovysk, Voronovsky, Grodno, Lida, Svisloch, Shchuchinsky districts of the Grodno region).
        Read more about visa-free entry rules for visiting tourist and recriational zone «Brest - Grodno» you can here.

      In other cases and subject to the stay of foreign citizens in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, it is necessary to obtain a Belarusian visa for a longer period of time.

    • Insurance
      • The Republic of Belarus has introduced compulsory health insurance for foreign citizens and stateless persons temporarily residing in the Republic of Belarus, in the case of the provision of emergency medical assistance in the state medical institutions in case of sudden illness or accident.
      • You can make a medical insurance policy at any checkpoint on the borders of Belarus, as well as at airports and railway stations, where the points of Belarusian insurance companies work.
      • The cost of insurance depends on the number of days of stay and some conditions.
      • The medical insurance is not required for:
        - citizens of countries with which there are international treaties that govern the provision of free emergency medical services (citizens of Russian Federation); - citizens of the states - participants of the CIS for whom the emergency medical care is provided free of charge in accordance with the Agreement on the provision of medical care to citizens of states - participants of Commonwealth of Independent States, signed in Moscow on 27 March 1997 (Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine).
      • According to international travel practice we recommend for citizens who are not subject to compulsory health insurance to conclude a contract of voluntary health insurance. The insurance Polis offers a wide range of services than prescribed in the agreement between our countries. In addition to paying medical expenses, the cover includes the medical transportation necessary for the emergency in the emergency to the place of emergency care or medical evacuation after medical care for further treatment to the nearest medical facility in the country of residence.
    • What to do upon returning from an excursion
        Share your impressions about the excursion:
      • fill out a form on your application page
      • leave a review on Google or Yandex
    • Other useful information

      For information about the Republic of Belarus, entry regulations, the procedure for issuing visas, customs regulations, currency control, currency exchange, communication and others read the section About Belarus

      Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus: 220030, Minsk, Marxa str., 37A, phone: +375 17 379 06 65, fax: +375 17 379 00 63.

      Emergency telephones in Belarus: MES – 101; Police – 102; Ambulance – 103; Emergency gas service – 104.

    For more information or in case of unforeseen situations, you can contact excursion department:

    1. from your order page;
    2. by phone (+37529) 756-66-65, by sending a message to Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram, Skype;
    3. by phone (+37517) 394-49-13 (multichannel);
    4. by Fax (+37517) 394-59-09;
    5. by E-mail - send a message >>

    Have a nice trip!

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