Holy Dormition Monastery Zhirovichi

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Zhirovichi Holy Dormition Monastery - male Orthodox monastery in the village Zhirovichi. First mentioned in documents of the monastery in 1587 year. In 1609 year the monastery was transferred uniyatam, from 1613 year belonged to the Bazilian. From 1828 year on the basis of the monastery founded Lithuanian seminary, 1945 - Minsk Theological Seminary. Today, living in a monastery 35 monks, is a hotel for pilgrims.

Мodern monastery ensemble was formed in XVII-XVIII centuries. Were built Dormition Cathedral, St. Jawlensky and St. Holy Cross Church, bell tower, a seminary, outbuildings, planted a garden, surrounded by a complex of stone wall. The architecture of the monastery ensemble combines the features of the Baroque, Rococo, Classicism.

His appearance Uspensky monastery must miraculous icon of the phenomenon of the Blessed Virgin. In the spring of 1494 year the young shepherds tending flocks nobleman, went far into the forest and there, most often among the spreading branches of wild pear saw a wonderful glow that emanated from a small icon. They reverently lifted the image of the tree and carried him to the house owner Soltan, telling him about the unusual circumstances of the amazing discoveries. Boyar did not pay much attention to the story of the shepherds and the newfound indifference put the icon in the casket. Only in the evening, taking the guests, he told them about the discovery of shepherds and wanted to show the icon. But by opening the chest, he did not find her. The next day, the shepherds come to the former place, and once again saw the pear on the same icon in the glow. As before, they carried her Boyar, who perceived a miracle of God, with reverence, holiness, and immediately took its place visited by phenomena. After praying, he made a vow to God to build a Zhirovichi on-site effects of the image a temple in honor of the Blessed Virgin.

Subsequently, under the shadow of miraculous image of the Mother of God began to flock to people looking for monastic life in the monastery Zhirovichi formed.

Individual and corporate excursions - Holy Dormition Monastery Zhirovichi

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Zhirovichi, st. Cathedral, 57