10 reasons to visit the Grodno region

Grodno is one of the most favorite places among tourists and this is no accident. After all, this is one of the few cities in Belarus where the historical center has been preserved as an integrated complex. In addition to numerous architectural monuments, here you can visit other amazing and remarkable places, unique museums, as well as the very first zoo in Belarus.

But not only Grodno is able to attract travelers. Numerous attractions have also been preserved throughout the Grodno region – unique temples, magnificent castles and palace ensembles, park complexes, natural monuments, ancient architecture and art. Among the abundance of wonderful places, we highlighted the most striking ones, which were included in 10 reasons to visit the Grodno region.

  • Grodno city and its main attractions.

  • To hear the voice of the Middle Ages in the corridors and towers of Mir Castle.

  • To visit the first capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania – Novogrudok.

  • To listen to the famous polonaise «Farewell to the Homeland» by Oginsky at the place where he was written.

  • To meet the Black Monk or the White Pannah in Golshany and uncover the secrets of the «Black Olshansky Castle».

  • To raft on the Augustow Canal with the passage of the Nemnovo Gate.

  • To see how glassblowers create their masterpieces.

  • To visit the medieval feast at Lida Castle.

  • To see the smallest miraculous icon in Zhirovichi.

  • To measure by steps the longest suspension bridge in Belarus in Mosty.

  • Grodno
  • Mir Castle
  • Novogrudok
  • Oginsky Manor
  • Golshany Castle
  • Augustow Canal
  • Neman glassworks
  • Lida Castle
  • Zhirovichi Monastery
  • Suspension bridge in Mosty
  • Reason №1 - Grodno city and its main attractions.

    Grodno is one of the most beautiful cities in Belarus where a very large number of remarkable and unique places is concentrated. This is the integral historical center of the city, the Old and the new castles in which the princes of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the kings of the Commonwealth lived and which the architects managed to combine into one palace and park complex; Theatre of Drama; the very first, and for a long time, the only zoo in Belarus. A variety of temples should be especially noted, including the Borisoglebskaya (Kalozhskaya) church – the architectural pearl of ancient Grodno, a unique monument of ancient Orthodox architecture of the 12th century in Belarus and throughout Eastern Europe, the largest and oldest synagogue, as well as the only Lutheran church in Belarus. You can also visit unusual museums, entertainment centers, parks.

  • Reason №2 – To hear the voice of the Middle Ages in the corridors and towers of Mir Castle.

    Mir Castle, built in the 16th century, is included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site and it is one of the most visited places in Belarus. An excursion to the castle can be combined with a visit to one of the many festivals, balls or other events that are regularly held here. And those who want to feel the atmosphere of medieval life can even spend the night in one of the chambers of the castle.

  • Reason №3 – To visit the first capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania – Novogrudok.

    It was Novogrudok who became the center of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In 1253, the coronation of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Mindovg took place here. Unfortunately, wars and fires did not spare the castle, from which only ruin have been remained. But even the remaining towers, towering at the top of the hill, testify to the former power and grandeur of the castle. Knight festivals are held here annually. Novogrudok is also notable for the fact that Adam Mickiewicz was born here. In memory of him there are the house-museum, the Immortality mound, as well as the monument to the poet.

  • Reason №4 – To listen to the famous polonaise «Farewell to the Homeland» by Oginsky at the place where he was written.

    Oginsky Manor in Zalesye was built in 19th century by Michael Kleofas Oginsky. Among the local society, the estate received the title of «Northern Athens», as well-known poets, painters and musicians gathered in social evenings in Zalesye. It was here that the «Polonaise in A minor», known as the «Farewell to the Homeland polonaise» or simply «Oginsky's Polonaise», was written and sounded for the first time. Now various music events, concerts and balls are organized in the estate.

  • Reason №5 – To meet the Black Monk or the White Pannah in Golshany and uncover the secrets of the «Black Olshansky Castle».

    Golshany is the most mystical place in Belarus. Mysterious, covered by legends Golshany castle was built in 17th century and served as the luxurious residence of the Grand Duchy Chancellor Paul Stefan Sapieha. The castle was sung in fiction – it served as the prototype of the castle in the novel by Vladimir Korotkevich «Black Olshansky Castle». In addition, Golshany is famous for its ghosts, which are associated with popular legends – Black Monk and White Pannah.

  • Reason №6 – To raft on the Augustow Canal with the passage of the Nemnovo Gate.

    Augustow Canal is a miracle of engineering of the 19th century. This is an artificial waterway connecting the Visla and Neman rivers and thereby connecting the Baltic and Black Seas. Currently, there are 5 regulating water gates, 2 dams and 4 shipping gates on the Belarusian part of the ancient canal - Nemnovo, Dombrovka, Volkusheki, Kuzhinets. The largest gate of the Augustow Canal is a four-chamber «Nemnovo», which length is 9,6 m, and the water drop in it is almost 10 m. You can feel the locking through, which takes about an hour here, when passing one of various water routes by kayaks offered here. And on the Dombrovka gate You can take a trip on the ship «Neman». In addition, various sports competitions, festivals and holidays are regularly held on the Augustow Canal.

  • Reason №7 – To see how glassblowers create their masterpieces.

    Having visited with a guided tour the Neman glassworks in Beryozovka You can get acquainted with the history of glass production, see the entire cycle of creating glass products, admire the amazing beauty of the masterpieces collected in the museum, and, of course, acquire unique works of art as a keepsake.

  • Reason №8 – To visit the medieval feast at Lida Castle.

    The Gediminas Castle in Lida is an outstanding monument of defensive art of 14-15 centuries, once included in the line of defense against the crusaders Novogrudok - Krevo - Medniki - Troki. Today, the castle regularly hosts festivals, jousting tournaments, as well as theatrical performances. One of these performances is dedicated to King Jagiello’s wedding, where spectators become guests at the festive feast and take part in medieval games and fun.

  • Reason №9 – To see the smallest miraculous icon in Zhirovichi.

    The Zhirovichi Holy Assumption Monastery is one of the main centers of Belarusian Orthodoxy and the country's largest architectural ensembles of the 17–18 centuries. The monastery complex includes 4 temples, as well as a belfry, a seminary building, a residential complex, a refectory and other buildings. Pilgrims from different parts of Belarus and other countries come here to bow before the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, as well as to plunge into one of the healing springs.

  • Reason №10 – To measure by steps the longest suspension bridge in Belarus in Mosty.

    The town Mosty is notable for the pedestrian suspension bridge over the river Neman, which is the longest in Belarus. Its length reaches almost 200 meters, and its width is 1.5 meters. Despite the fact that there are many other crossings in the city, the suspension bridge remains popular among locals and visitors alike.

  • Grodno

    Reason №1
    Grodno city and its main attractions.

  • Mir Castle

    Reason №2
    To hear the voice of the Middle Ages in the corridors and towers of Mir Castle.

  • Novogrudok

    Reason №3
    To visit the first capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania - Novogrudok.

  • Oginsky Manor

    Reason №4
    To listen to the famous polonaise «Farewell to the Homeland» by Oginsky at the place where he was written.

  • Golshany Castle

    Reason №5
    To meet the Black Monk or the White Pannah in Golshany and uncover the secrets of the «Black Olshansky Castle».

  • Augustow Canal

    Reason №6
    To raft on the Augustow Canal with the passage of the Nemnovo Gate.

  • Neman glassworks

    Reason №7
    To see how glassblowers create their masterpieces.

  • Lida Castle

    Reason №8
    To visit the medieval feast at Lida Castle.

  • Zhirovichi Monastery

    Reason №9
    To see the smallest miraculous icon in Zhirovichi.

  • Suspension bridge in Mosty

    Reason №10
    To measure by steps the longest suspension bridge in Belarus in Mosty.

In the Grodno region, everyone will be able to find something unusual and fascinating for themselves, whether they are lovers of outdoor activities, educational excursions or unity with nature. A wide variety of tourist places will not leave anyone indifferent.
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