Polotsk natural ecological museum

Polotsk natural ecological museum Polotsk natural ecological museum Polotsk natural ecological museum Polotsk natural ecological museum Polotsk natural ecological museum Polotsk natural ecological museum Polotsk natural ecological museum Polotsk natural ecological museum Polotsk natural ecological museum Polotsk natural ecological museum Polotsk natural ecological museum Polotsk natural ecological museum Polotsk natural ecological museum Polotsk natural ecological museum Polotsk natural ecological museum
+15 photo




Exhibition displays



aquariums 5 aquarium are in the museum and all are different not only in size and design, but also on the species diversity they contain fish. Fauna: the hedgehog, white stork, crow, raven gray, muskrat, lynx, waxwing, gray (or ordinary) owl, common nightingale, owl, honorik.

”amazing exhibit” skull fragment with huge horns, which belonged to an extinct animal tour or primitive ox, the ancestor of European domestic cattle that once lived on the territory of Belarus. The exhibit is a gift of Alexander Pavlovich Vinogradov, who brought the find to the lodge and told the story of its discovery by draining the swamp near the village Bezdedovichi Polotsk district. The last tour was killed in 1627. Here it may be time and date of the tour life, the horns of which can be seen in the museum.

”кaleidoscope of mysteries and discoveries” game guide for young visitors to the museum. It will help to explore the exposition of the museum and its most interesting exhibits. The most attentive and inquisitive travelers who have completed all the tasks the game guide, will be rewarded with prizes

Belarus underwater photos were taken in 2011 in the village of chalk quarries Krasnoselskiy, Volkovysk, Grodno region, which recently have been flooded. In some places they already show signs of life - algae, the ubiquitous frogs and fish fry. Most of the photographs participated in Belarus Press Photo 2012, and took first place in the Nature series

Working hours

Administration 10:00 - 17:00 weekend Monday

Cash 10:00 - 17:00 weekend Monday

Exposure 10:00 - 17:00 weekend Monday

On the map


211400, Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk., Polotsk, Skaryna street, 21

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