Logoisk historical- ethnographic museum named after K.and E. Tyshkevich

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Logoisk historical- ethnographic museum named after K.and E. Tyshkevich - the first in Belarus museum, open to the public. It created in 1842 by graphs Tyszkiewicz . In 2003, the tradition of museums incorporated by Tyszkiewicz, continued, was recruited staff working group to create a museum. Today, the museum operates three rooms with a total area of ​​259 m2 showroom with 7 828 museum items (5920 - the main fund, 1908 - auxiliary science in 2009).

Museum awarded for victory in the regional-competition state museums of the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus, for taking part in an international expedition "Way of Tyshkevіch" for the preservation of the best examples of folk weaving, for the victory in the district competition in 2008 among cultural institutions. Museum in Logoisk is actively involved in the cultural life of the area: a monthly presentations of temporary exhibitions, the local history of the club, "Heritage", the museum's staff is actively working on the collection.


Tyszkiewicz and Logoisk region The history of the Tyszkiewicz, creating Logoisk museum.

Events and people of Logoisk region is dedicated to the most important events and people Logoisk district and has the following thematic structure: pre-war period, the period of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945., post-war period to the present day.

Temporary exhibitions Exhibition of paintings, photographs, children's drawings and artwork.

Working hours

Administration 08:00 - 17:00 weekend Saturday, Sunday

Cash 08:00 - 17:00 without days off

Exposure 08:00 - 17:00 without days off

On the map


223110, Belarus, Minsk area, Logoisk, N. Kharchenko str., 31