Polotsk historical-cultural museum-reserve

Polotsk historical-cultural museum-reserve Polotsk historical-cultural museum-reserve Polotsk historical-cultural museum-reserve Polotsk historical-cultural museum-reserve Polotsk historical-cultural museum-reserve Polotsk historical-cultural museum-reserve Polotsk historical-cultural museum-reserve Polotsk historical-cultural museum-reserve Polotsk historical-cultural museum-reserve
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Exhibition displays



collection of documents include documents in Museum Belarusian publishing, museum-library Simeon of Polotsk.

natural Monument landscapes XI - XX centuries.

archeology VIII of the ancient settlement., X in the upper lock., Lower Castle sixteenth century., Great Posad twelfth century., Belchitsky Monastery of the XII century., Saint Euphrosyne convent in XII.

collections paintings, drawings, crafts, sculpture XII - XX centuries. at the Art Gallery and other museums, secular portraits of the times of the Commonwealth (XVIII c.), personal belongings of the famous Polotsk residents.

butterflies this directory contains information about Lepidoptera Belarus, represented in the exhibition Nature and Environment Museum. It is dedicated to the vast and diverse group of insects - butterflies.

icons directory 14 places the description of the Works of the ancient iconography XVIII-XIX centuries. from Polotsk, which is in constant exposition of the National Art Gallery of Polotsk Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve, and 12 works XVII-XIX centuries. from different regions of Belarus from the collection of the National Art Museum of Belarus. Icon "Konstantin and Elena" from steatite (XI c.).

collection postilok includes a collection of postilok in the National Polotsk Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve

collection of ceramic toys fragments of building materials with frescoes and inscriptions (XI-XII centuries).

works of the Great Patriotic War includes books and pamphlets that are coming out in the Soviet Union, including in Belarus, as well as the print edition of the occupation. Early printed books and manuscripts

Working hours

Administration 08:00 - 17:00 weekend Saturday, Sunday

Cash 10:00 - 16:45 weekend Monday

Exposure 10:00 - 17:45 weekend Monday

On the map


211400, Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk region, Polotsk, st. Lower-Intercession, 22

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