Motol museum of folk arts ”Our Roots”

Motol museum of folk arts ”Our Roots” Motol museum of folk arts ”Our Roots” Motol museum of folk arts ”Our Roots”
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Exhibition displays



History and country life Presented diorama Motol marketplace XVI century, panorama of Motol and Yaselda since XVII century, the interior of a peasant house of XIX century, vehicles poleshukov, showcases archaeological, archival documents.

Crafts and trades Represents products of masters in wood, straw and basket weaving, blacksmithing and saddlery craft, a unique collection of woodworking tools.

Farming Reflects the traditional rituals of the agricultural cycle, according to the year-round national calendar. Presented tools peasant.

Flax hall Reveals flax processing technology with hand tools. The exposition includes a large number of pictorial material of the first half of the XX century.

Weaving Reveals the characteristic features of the regional weaving in Polesie. Presented woven products (handbrake, tablecloths, postilki, carpets) Pinsk, Brest, Berezovsky regions. Central to the room is occupied with products Motol weavers.

Clothing hall Reflect national characteristics Drogichin, Motol, Pinsk temperaments clothes. Demonstrated hats, aprons, top winter and autumn clothes. Exposition hall complements the rich illustration material first half of XX century.

Rites Complex materials hall introduces rites (winter, spring, summer, fall, family) and their rich traditions of.

Mill deal Housed in a building a windmill. Introduces the history of flour milling business in сity.

Exhibition hall Regularly in the exhibition: the stock (embroidery, weaving, drawing on glass, tableware, wooden sculpture, thematic (achievements masters Brest district).

Working hours

Administration 10:00 - 17:00 without days off

Cash 10:00 - 17:00 without days off

Exposure 10:00 - 17:00 without days off

On the map


225822 Republic of Belarus, Brest region., Ivanovo district, Motol, Lenin square

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