History of the development
The first settlement was mentioned in 1492, since 1493 the property of the Vilna bishop Wojciech.
In 1539 Pershai had the status of a town, there existed a church and two taverns.
As a result of the second partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1793), Pershai became part of the Russian Empire.
Since 1858, the estate belonged to the Tyszkiewicz family, who built a manor in Persiah.
According to the Riga Peace Treaty (1921), Pershai became part of the inter-war Polish Republic, in Stolbtsy, and since 1926 the Volozhin district of Novogrudok voivodship.
In 1933, on the site of an old wooden Catholic church, a stone building of the temple of St. George was built.
Since 1939 as part of the BSSR.
Tourism potential
Church of St. George. Built in 1933, a monument of architecture.
House of Yadvigin Sh. The plate on the building says: «Belarusian writer Yadvigin Sh. (Anton Levitsky) spent his school years in this house».