The act of Krevsk Union- a legal document that
influenced the course of European history - was signed there in 1385.
Krevsk Union - a treaty of alliance of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the
Kingdom of Poland, after the signing of which Jagiello converted to Catholicism,
and with it took the Christian name of Vladislav, after which he moved to Krakow.
Left without a host, Krevsk lock gradually began to collapse. According to the
testimony of documents, back in 1470 the castle was one of the six strongest
fortresses of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. At the beginning of the XVI century
the castle was badly damaged by the raid of the Crimean Tatars, after which he
became easy prey for the Moscow troops, who occupied it in 1519. Soon they left
the castle. In 1526 during his journey through the lands of the Grand Duchy of
Lithuania, the German diplomat Herberstein wrote in his diary: "Kreva - blank
stone castle next to the borough." Dilapidated castle, a little dragging away
the local farmers it on the bricks for their buildings.
The last time the castle to defended Belarusian lands had during World War II. The fact that in Kreva the front line, which is as much as two years, divided the town into two parts. The castle was in the German fortifications. To destroy arisen in the way of Russian troops moving obstacle, the king”s troops built a special narrow-gauge railway, and taken to the naval artillery Krevо. Traces of those events in a concrete bunker in one of the towers can be seen today.