This sports center has put a range of services on the territory of sport complex has three ski slopes varying degrees of length 650 m, 700 m and 920 m there are separate line for snowboard 270 m long, children run the length of 70 m, tubing track. There are chair and drag lifts. It is possible to ride a snowmobile on the ball Zorba.
elevation change on the ski slopes reaches more than 100 m In the evening all the tracks covered. There is a system of artificial osnezhivaniya, which allows the snow, start with a temperature of -3 ° C.
There is also a means of accommodation, food items are organized: there is a hotel with 100 rooms, guest houses kottezhnogo type, two restaurants and cafes. Operates on 850 free parking Car seats. Since January 2007 year opened a sports hall, which in winter is used as an indoor skating rink.