
Novogrudok , Regional feast 09:00 - 20:00 03-October-2021

A merry holiday of true connoisseurs of Belarusian cuisine will take place in the agricultural town of Benin. Folk games and contests for children and adults, exhibitions of books and photographs, handicrafts made from potatoes and other materials - all this will create a unique flavor of the event. The program also includes a tasting competition «In the heat of the heat». Everyone who tastes the dishes prepared by the contestants will be able to vote for the best of the best. Fried, boiled, baked, "in uniform", stewed in sour cream, potato pancakes, fries, mashed potatoes, with meat, dill, mushrooms and onions - local hostesses will reveal the secrets of cooking a variety of treats from potatoes.

Place:Novogrudok district, agro-town Benin
Time: October 3, 2021

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