Festival of Folk Art «Makosha zaprasaye»

Festival of Folk Art «Makosha zaprasaye»

Festival of Folk Art «Makosha zaprasaye»

Korelichi , Festival 15 October 2018

On October 15 Raitsa will host a festival of folk art «Makosha zaprasaye» - a feastival of needlework, handmade and creative imagination. During the festival, there will be a festive and entertaining program, where guests will be greeted by neighbors of Agatha and Urshul, as well as by the main character of the holiday - Makosh, master class for the production of domestic cabbages, a contest for the production of the best home-made amulet, exhibitions and sales of craftsmen, concert.

Location: Raitza, Korelichi district, Gomel region
Time: October 15 , 2018

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