IV Spartakiad of the Grodno region the ”Vertical of Executive power”

IV Spartakiad of the Grodno region the ”Vertical of Executive power”

IV Spartakiad of the Grodno region the ”Vertical of Executive power”

Grodno , Sportive competition 1 - 2 June 2017

Regional Spartakiad "Vertical of Executive authorities" will held in Grodno on June 1-2, 2017. The event is aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles, strengthening of corporate spirit in the workforce. The competition involved teams of regional Executive committees, the Grodno city Executive Committee and the Executive Committee, of the administration of the Oktyabrsky and Leninsky districts of Grodno. Over three hundred government representatives will play mini-football, volleyball, table tennis and bowling, Darts and swims distance and velocity.

Location: Grodno
Time: 1-2 June 2017.

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