Оpen regional festival of battlecry theatres «Magic batleyka's light» in Zalesye, Smorgon district

Оpen regional festival of battlecry theatres «Magic batleyka's light» in Zalesye, Smorgon district

Оpen regional festival of battlecry theatres «Magic batleyka's light» in Zalesye, Smorgon district

Smorgon , Festival 14 May 2017

Festival battlecry theaters «Magic batleyka's light» will be held on May 14, 2017 in Zalesie Smorgon district, is a competitive performance battlecry theatres and amateur theatres of dolls with batleyka's ideas. Traditional staging at the festival - "King Herod" and other religious performances, but to use piece on the motives of such classics as Chekhov, Dostoevsky, Leskov. Attention is also given and children's plays. Participate Battlecry theatres of various regions of Belarus.

Location: the house-museum of M. K. Oginski in agro Zalesie Smorgon district
Time: May 14, 2017.

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