New exposition in the Grodno State Museum of the History of Religion

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New exposition in the Grodno State Museum of the History of Religion


Grodno State Museum of the History of Religion invites:
visit a new exhibit of rare artifacts religious themes. Unique icons, Gospel, priests clothes XIV - XVIII centuries, the church plate - like artifacts can not be seen in today\'s churches, nor in historical museums.
In Grodno State Museum of the History of Religion collected more than 150 exhibits Orthodox and Catholic of the church, handwritten edition of the XVII century, rare books.
Visiting the museum can both independently and at the order of individual excursions in Grodno or Grodno - August Channel. You will also see one of the oldest churches in Eastern Europe - Boris and Gleb Church, Old Castle and New Castle, historical center of Grodno. Order excursion in Grodnoyou can today.

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The Old Castle in Grodno was opened after restoration


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New object in the route of excursion Grodno - city of Lithuanian princes and kings of Poland


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