Visit to Father Frost
News City
Christmas magic! Santa Claus is waiting for you! His bag is full for you and your children are infinitely new ideas and adventures, stories and tales!
Hurry to visit Grandfather Frost that to be charged for the whole year the most positive emotions and good mood in the most cheerful company with their favorite characters.
We made sure that you could probably book the most exciting New Year\'s trip and gathered all the information about where Father Christmas lives here
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Мары пра прынца на белым кані ўвасабляюцца ў рэальнасць у цэнтры экалагічнага турызму ў Станькава! Адпраўляйцеся ў рамантычнае падарожжа на 14 лютага ў «Станькава» і павіншуйце сваю дзяўчыну з днём усіх закаханых верхам на кані!