
Gukanne vjasny in Dudutki


Museum complex of ancient folk crafts and technologies «Dudutki» invites everyone to take part in folk festivals «Gukanne vjasny» on March 30, 2019. Visitors to the museum complex will have a bright and rich entertainment program that will be remembered for a long time.
Last bell 2019 with


Belarusian excursion portal invites you to Last school bell to have fun and vivid impressions! Graduates are waiting for exciting excursions, animation programs, quizzes, active games and a picnic in nature! Spend an unforgettable Last bell in a friendly company of classmates!
Congratulations on the International Women\'s Day!


Beautiful ladies! Collective of PRPUE «Automated tourism technologies» heartily congratulates you with a great spring holiday - International Women\'s Day.
Let spring, flower and rainbow on International Women\'s Day bring many welcome surprises from loved ones, fabulous feelings of love, importance and reverent attitude.
10% discount for tours in health resorts Radon, Sosnovi Bor Minsk, Rassvet Luban, Porechie


Attention! Until March 8, 2019 additional 10% discount for tours with treatment in the best health resorts of Belarus - health resort Radon, health resort Porechie, Sosnovi Bor Minsk and Rassvet Luban. Races till June 10 are available! Hurry to book!
Mysteries of the Radziwill Family in the Nesvizh Palace


Hospitable hosts of Nesvizh Palace, especially for children\'s groups during the spring school holidays, have prepared an unusual excursion program «Mysteries of the Radziwill Family». Young guests of the palace will not just visit the main residence of a famous family, but also get acquainted with the legends that surround the majestic palace.

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