
Congratulations on the Epiphany!


Team of the tourism enterprise «Automated tourism technologies» congratulate You, dear friends, with the Epiphany!

Have a family harmony, good health, peace and goodness. We wish You joy, prosperity and happiness in Your house!

A visit to the pool as a gift in the health resort Narochanka


Health resort «Narochanka» Minsk region informs:
Do not miss this great opportunity! Anyone who bought tour for the period from 15 January to 28 February 2015 (7 nights / 8 days), as a gift - 1 session of pool every day.
Merry Christmas greeting from ATT


On this holy day of great celebration Christmas baby Jesus Christ staff of the company «Automated tourism technologies» sincerely want to congratulate You, dear friends, and wish You happiness, love and faith!
Christmas tour Brest and Brest Fortress

02-January-2015 invites residents and visitorsof the country interesting and usefully spend time in the Christmas holiday, visiting tour «Brest and Brest fortress». Brest - a city of ancient and modern at the same time. Here the spirit of the past, present military events of life carry a mysterious riddle to unravel that can only be seen firsthand all of its beauty.

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