Dribin historical-ethnographic museum

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Exhibition displays


"Dribin historical-ethnographic museum" was founded 15th february 1995 by decision of Dribin District Council of People's Deputies. Open to visitors since 2004. The work of the museum with unconventional direction - the study of the unique fishing Dribinschiny - shapovalstva, that granted the status of historical and cultural values of the Republic of Belarus in 2009. The museum operates the popular amateur association "Shapoval 'and children's Amateur Association" Katrushnik." The museum has six exhibition halls: "The history of the area Dribin", "Soft Ethnography", "Сrafts", "Shapovalstvo", "Icons", an exhibition hall. In the halls of the museum objects on display of traditional folk life Dribin region, presents historical information relating to crafts and trades that exist in the region. Display area of the museum halls 265 m2. There are 5 permanent and 35 temporary exhibitions. The total number of museum objects up to 4079, of which the main fund in 2528, the auxiliary science subjects in 1551.


”Painting. Icons” collection includes icons XIX - XX centuries. Presented 134 exhibits.

”Archaeology” сollection presents elements of pottery, flint, cleavage products, jewelry, arrowheads, cannon balls. There are 76 items.

”Arts and Crafts” collection includes paintings Ryasnenskoy pupils of the boarding school, lace, embroidered napkins, pictures. Presented by the 43 exhibits.

”Documents” ксеракопіі рашэнняў пасяджэнняў Дрыбінскага раённага выканаўчага камітэта, даведкі, пасведчанні, паведамленні: 314 экспанатаў.

”Musical Instruments” violin, accordion, tambourine and harmonica.

сollection presents towels, tablecloths, postilki.

”Folk masters” collection includes embroidered work masters Dribin district.

”People costume” a collection of shirts, skirts, andaraki, mittens, hats, "magerki" Bryl, boots that prevailed in the region in the late XIX early XX centuries.

”Numismatics” coins, the Commonwealth, the Grand Duchy of Moscow, USSR, Russia banknotes, printing Dribin middle class, the Order "Maternal Glory" order "Mother - heroine."

”Weapon” collection includes plates, flags, insignia, emblems kind of troops, casings from bullets.

”Prints” collection includes brochures, newspapers, pamphlets, books, postcards, posters, letters.

”Items not included in the collection” collection includes pendants, ties, uniforms, photocopies of verification plans, buttons.

”Items of ethnography and life” includes items on woodworking, tools, devices for processing of grain, weaving tools, tools masters shapovalov, dishes, toys.

”Sculpture” collection includes sculptures, coat of arms.

”Old printed editions” collection includes books and Psalter.

”Faleristika” collection includes anniversary medals and badges.

”Phonodocuments” collection includes videotapes, "Shapovalsky fishing in Dribinschinа," "Masters of Dribinschinа," "My second motherland - Mikheevka."

”Church clothing and apparel cult” collection includes filoni, cover, hip, stole, belt.

”Photodocuments” collection includes includes photographs on the history of his native land.

Working hours

Administration 10:00 - 17:00 weekend Saturday, Sunday

Cash 10:00 - 17:00 weekend Sunday

Exposure 10:00 - 17:00 weekend Sunday

On the map


213971, Republic of Belarus, Mogilev region, Dribin, Sovetskaya str., 5