Kalinkovichi state ethnographic museum

Kalinkovichi state ethnographic museum Kalinkovichi state ethnographic museum Kalinkovichi state ethnographic museum Kalinkovichi state ethnographic museum
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Local History

Exhibition displays



”The nature of native land and its protection” expositional material is presented on the stands, tablets, in shop windows and dioramas. Separately grouped information about the many minerals in the region, insects, wild and agricultural plants. Demonstrates the inhabitants of the protected parts of nature. A brief description Kalinkovichy forestry, samples harvested timber. Landscape, diverse flora and fauna is presented in two dioramas. Against the backdrop of successive seasons in the scenic compositions grouped field and forest dwellers, shows a wolf hunting for deer, a family of wild boars.

”The fragments of our history or the past of Kalinkovichi edge in the material evidence” collections of archeology, photographs, documents, objects. Hall covers the main stages of historical development of Kalinkovichi region. Presented diorama oldest in Belarus (about 26.5 thousand years BC) of prehistoric man. It also provides part of the found bones, a well-preserved mammoth tusks. The display cases are things made ​​of stone, silicon, ceramic fragments found during excavations at the village Yurovichi, Koschichi, Slobidka. Materials placed on the presence of Kalinkovichsky lands in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Russian Empire. Posted composition, reflecting the creation and development of Kalinkovichy railway junction. The final composition of the present day is dedicated to the region. The central part of this section of the museum exhibition is a photo collage "Kalinkavichy. Modernity" and a detailed plan of the city. Presented dedicated Kalinkovichsky land books, brochures, leaflets and souvenirs Belarusian Festival of Satire and humor "Avtyuki".

”Kalinkovichsky system. Song of my grandfathers” сontains a collection of folk weaving and costumes, household items and ethnography. In the hall are owned by our ancestors to the various items of service - household products, which are the distinctive patterns of culture and aesthetic views of the Belarusians. Traditional and one of the oldest forms of folk arts and crafts is a weaving, presented in the form of complex samples of woven garments and household items. Exhibited a collection of women's and men's shirts and handbrake, performed by local craftswomen over half a century ago, local patterns and postilok nastolnits. Also presented tools for weaving, yarn manufacturing and other things of the past in the history of national life: pryasnitsa, samopryadka, reel, hook Vytia ropes, boxes for storing clothes.

”They went on the war” submitted documents, photographs, objects. Placed here separately arranged eight subject groups together in a single composition, dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War on Kalinkovichsky earth: the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the occupation by German troops Kalinkovichy district and the activities of the Soviet underground guerrilla movement Kalinkovichsky on the ground, and the liberation of the area from Nazi Kalinkovichi akkupatsii, war heroes and perpetuate the memory of the fallen. In the center there is an allegory of a divided by this tragic event and the fate of the people of the world as divided into two parts, the pre-war photographs Kalinkovichsky family.

”The Museum of soldiers-internationalists” February 8, 2008 in the building Kalinkovichy military enlistment office opened a museum - a room of soldiers-internationalists. The museum exhibition devoted to the war in Afghanistan, another local conflicts 2nd half of the twentieth century, and participation in Kalinkovichy natives of the area. The first booth tells kalinkovichanah who fought in the 50 - 80 years of the last century in Hungary, Egypt and Angola. At the stands, "Time has chosen us", "Courage front samples", "For the good of the world" posted the names, photos, letters in the windows and awards international soldiers, their personal belongings. Last stand of the exhibition "Relay valor", is dedicated to an outstanding military commanders who gave the world Kalinkovichi land. Their service its debt is an example for current and future defenders of the Fatherland.

Working hours

Administration 08:30 - 17:30 weekend Saturday, Sunday

Cash 10:00 - 19:00 weekend Monday

Exposure 10:00 - 19:00 weekend Monday

On the map


247710, Republic of Belarus, Gomel region, Kalinkovichi, International st., 11

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