Shumilino ethnographic museum

Shumilino ethnographic museum Shumilino ethnographic museum Shumilino ethnographic museum Shumilino ethnographic museum Shumilino ethnographic museum Shumilino ethnographic museum Shumilino ethnographic museum Shumilino ethnographic museum Shumilino ethnographic museum Shumilino ethnographic museum Shumilino ethnographic museum
+11 photo



Local History

Exhibition displays



History of the Great Patriotic War presents materials on the participation of fellow soldiers in the events of the Great Patriotic War, the activities of the underground and the guerrilla movement in the district, weapons and ammunition during the war, clothing, photographs and documents countrymen - Heroes of the Soviet Union: Akutsionka P.A., Loskunova N.A., Minchugova D.M., Spiridenko N.K., faleristics.

”Ethnography” presents everyday objects and interior peasant hut late XIX - early XX centuries, household equipment, tools and accessories, handwoven towels, pottery, products made ​​of twigs and straw, tools for weaving, clothing, arts and crafts.

Working hours

Administration 08:00 - 17:00 weekend Saturday, Sunday

Cash 10:00 - 19:00 weekend Monday

Exposure 10:00 - 19:00 weekend Monday

On the map


211260, Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk region, Town Shumilino, Korotkina st., 12

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