Museum of the Belarussian Polesye

Museum of the Belarussian Polesye Museum of the Belarussian Polesye Museum of the Belarussian Polesye Museum of the Belarussian Polesye Museum of the Belarussian Polesye Museum of the Belarussian Polesye Museum of the Belarussian Polesye Museum of the Belarussian Polesye Museum of the Belarussian Polesye Museum of the Belarussian Polesye
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Military and Historical

Exhibition displays



Arts and crafts of Polesye Their differ from other regions of Belarus. Among the interesting exhibits is unique wooden bicycle, collected by folk artists V. Ilyuchin.

Urban Living of pinchan in the first half of the XX century Here are the everyday things, corner sewing, interior living room, clothes, photos, and printed materials of the time.

History of Pinsk Starting from prehistoric times to the early XX century

Pinsk in the Great Patriotic War Introduces the history of the first partisan group, the partisan movement, the tragedy of the Pinsk ghetto.

Nature of surroundings of Pinsk Exhibited stuffed birds and animals in their natural habitat

Belarusian painting 60-80 years of XX century Presented paintings of Belarusian artists: P.Yavich, N. Schastny, L. Schemelev, P. Maslennikov, etc.

Working hours

Administration 10:00 - 18:00 weekend Saturday, Sunday

Cash 10:00 - 17:30 weekend Monday

Exposure 10:00 - 18:00 weekend Monday

On the map


225710, Republic of Belarus, Brest region, Pinsk, Lenina square, 22

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