Museum of the defense of the Brest fortress

Museum of the defense of the Brest fortress Museum of the defense of the Brest fortress Museum of the defense of the Brest fortress Museum of the defense of the Brest fortress Museum of the defense of the Brest fortress Museum of the defense of the Brest fortress Museum of the defense of the Brest fortress Museum of the defense of the Brest fortress Museum of the defense of the Brest fortress Museum of the defense of the Brest fortress Museum of the defense of the Brest fortress Museum of the defense of the Brest fortress Museum of the defense of the Brest fortress Museum of the defense of the Brest fortress Museum of the defense of the Brest fortress Museum of the defense of the Brest fortress Museum of the defense of the Brest fortress Museum of the defense of the Brest fortress Museum of the defense of the Brest fortress Museum of the defense of the Brest fortress Museum of the defense of the Brest fortress Museum of the defense of the Brest fortress
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Exhibition displays



”The pages of the history of the Brest-Litovsk fortress XIX - XX centuries” briefly tells the story of the ancient "Berestye" and the events that took place in Brest-Litovsk fortress.

”Brest and the Brest Fortress in 1918 - 1941 years” devoted to the history of the fortress and the city in the interwar period (1918-1941).

”Get up, great country!” the exhibit hall opens pre-war situation in the Brest garrison and the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

”The fighting in the city of Brest in the early days of the war. The defense of the fortress. The fighting in the Terespolsky and Volyn fortifications” hall reveals the fighting army in 4 parts of Brest-Baranovichi direction, cross-border fighting north and south of the city of Brest and begins the story of the defense of the fortress. The layout of the fortress in 1941, specific and casual shots, objects from excavations, mannequins in the shape of the rank and file of the Red Army and the Wehrmacht army begin their narrative about the defense of the Brest Fortress, specifically disclosed in the course of defense Terespolsky and Volyn fortifications.

”The fighting in Kobrin strengthening” evidence of the tragedy families - items found in homes where the family lived, the 45-mm gun, model 1937, photos and everyday objects allow multinational garrison on separate sections of track the progress of defense, as Kobrin building, and the entire fortress.

«The defense of the Citadel» in the first hours of the war assault team of the 45th Infantry Division broke into the German Citadel Terespolsky through the gate and took the club 84 Infantry Regiment. Before the task was to capture the enemy Kholmsk and Brest gate, block out parts of the fortress of the Citadel, but he was met by fierce bayonet counterattacks defenders. Attempts to combine the separate defense teams and the organization of a breakthrough on June 26 in the 120 men were decisive in the battle for the Citadel.

”The defense of the Citadel. Last pockets of resistance” the logical conclusion of the story about the defense of the Citadel, the last pockets of resistance in the Brest Fortress, the recognition of the values ​​of the enemy fights for her, our pain, bitterness and irreparable losses appear: fragment fused flamethrowers bricks sculpture "Stand death" Alexander Rybkin, the inscription "I am dying, but not I give up! Farewell to Homeland. 20/V11- 41"

”At key stages of the war. liberation” about the fate of the soldiers of the garrison of Brest - Participants of defense of Leningrad, Kiev, Odessa, Moscow, Stalingrad and Kursk battles told numerous awards, publications in frontline and national newspapers. 47 battle flags and units, awarded the honorary title "Brest", uniforms, weapons, personal items of ordinary and generals reveal the image of the liberator of his native land.

”Great Victory” A short inscription on the wall of the Reichstag "Brest - Berlin. Lieutenant Sidorov ..." instead of a main contents of the hall, reveals a long and difficult path to victory in the Great Patriotic War.

”In memory and heart” еxhibits Hall give the opportunity to learn, to feel and understand the tragic events of the forty-first year, and to confirm that their memory lives in the hearts of the post-war generations.

«Chronicle of the Brest Fortress» is intended to tell about the facts, events and lives of people associated with the 180-year history of the Brest Fortress: from construction in the first half of the XIX century to the heroic defense at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

«Army Club» the creators of the exposition restored the pre-war atmosphere and the entourage of the club of the 98th separate anti-tank battalion of the artillery battalion.
At the entrance to the building, guests are greeted by buffet workers who show what the Red Army men, commanders and members of their families used to eat at the club. The Lenin room and the assembly hall with the stage were also recreated.

Working hours

Administration 08:30 - 17:00 weekend Saturday, Sunday

Cash 09:00 - 17:30 without days off

Exposure 09:00 - 18:00 without days off

Group tour schedule



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On the map


224018, Republic of Belarus, Brest, Brest fortress

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