Cemeteries, burial places, chapels

Cemetery (from Greek: sleeping place) is a spatially defined area where the remains of deceased people are buried or are otherwise interred. Burial into the ground is an ancient and most common method. First died Christians used to be buried in catacombs, later in churches. Then it was established that only outstanding people can be buried inside a church and ordinary people were burred on the territory of a churchyard. Until the XIV century a churchyard was practically the only place for a cemetery. But gradually city population was increasing and there were not enough free places on churchyards cemeteries. So they began to organize a cemetery in suburbs. In the XVII century city authorities because of health-related reasons prohibited to bury deceased people on the territories of churches.

Chapel is a small religious place of worship. Sometimes it does not have an altar. It may be a part of a larger structure or complex, such as a church, synagogue, college, hospital, palace, prison or funeral home, located on board a military or commercial ship, or it may be an entirely free-standing building, sometimes with its own grounds. It is used to pray, to have public prayers and to put candles in front of worshipped icons.

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