St. Anna Chapel

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Small St.Anne Catholic Chapel is situated on the outskirts of the small village of Rakov, in the old cemetery.
According to the historical data, it was built in 1862. The architectural complex of the chapel includes the preserved brama-belfry. A spring - Krynitsa - is spouting under it. There are many legends about its healing power. One of them tells about a blind old man. When he was sleeping, he saw the Mother of God who showed a tree, near which it was necessary to dig. In the morning the old man found a spring on that place that he saw in the dream. After he washed his face with crystal clear water, the old man recovered his sight. Since that time in the village of Rakov it”s been considered that the local water helps to heal various diseases.

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Republic of Belarus, Minsk region, Volozhin district, v. Rakov (not far rom the highway M6)