Building paper-mill «Spartak» in Shklov

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Shklov paper-mill - a monument of industrial architecture of the end of a XIX-th century, is based in 1898 by the Russian Minister of Railways Krivoshein, аor manufacture of a cardboard and wrapping kinds of a paper.
In 1918 the factory has been nationalized and declared by the state property. The name «Spartak» to factory has appropriated 1922. The next years the factory updated the manufacture and extended. By 1940 paper development has reached 10400 tons a year.

In days of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1944) The factory has been destroyed, and the equipment is taken out to Germany.
Works on factory restoration have begun in 1944 and have been finished in 1947 with commissioning cars № 1. In 1958 the tissue paper shop is constructed. Paper development during this period made 12 500 tons a year at number of working 928 persons. The annual volume of output of a paper in 1990 has reached 22 000 tons.
In 1993 the factory is transformed to open joint-stock company «Paper-mill «Spartak» .
In 1998 the factory has celebrated the century.
Now on available at factory of three cars the cardboard, wrapping and packing kinds of a paper, a paper for wall-paper and goffering is developed.

On the map


Shklov, Fabrichnaya street, 26