Church of St. Anne in Lyubischicy

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The temple was built in 1845.
Not so long ago it became known that in the Ivatsevichi district, too, was once a miraculous icon of the Mother of God, which was the blind man in the pine tree near the village of Borki. In place of the appearance of the image it was built in 1670 the church, which in its history several times in new ways was constructed in the same place, but to this day has not been preserved. The local name of the place where the miraculous icon - Guy.
At what time it was lost miraculous icon, remained a mystery. Until recently, the Rev. Tarasy Vitko, the abbot of the temple Lyubischitskogo Holy Righteous Anna, who, maintaining the tradition, several times a year served hymns on the approximate site of the burnt temple, did not know that this place is so glorified. Currently, the list of miracle-working icon (by the way, Our Lady of Kazan is also a list, but it is, nevertheless, miraculous) stored in the Holy Anninsky temple, and every Friday at 17.30 then be served Akathist to the Mother of God "Boretsky."

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Republic of Belarus, Brest region, Ivaсevichi district, village Lyubischicy