Belocerkovskaya Trinity Church

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Trinity Church is monument of early Baroque architecture. It was built in the XVII century on the site of the wooden church of the XVI century on Basilian monastery on the shores of Lake Belaye. It partially preserved.

It is a stone temple tower 1-hall type. High 3-tiered bell tower was intended for defensive purposes; the thickness of its walls is 1,75 - 2 m. It completed a multi-faceted dome dominates the rest volume of the temple. Login resolved perspective arch. The side facades and the tiers of the bell tower are narrow and high-arched window openings.

Entrance is made like archway perspective. The side facades and the tiers of the bell tower are narrow and high-arched window openings.

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Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk region, Chashniki district, Belaya Сerkov village