The temple of stone, cross-domed, three-nave with a five-sided apse. Decor: corbel arches, friezes, sockets, angled speakers. At the entrance to the vestibule there are plaques with the names of 118 soldiers of Belarusians of the 30th Artillery Brigade and the 119th Regiment of Kolomna, who heroically perished at Plevna in Bulgaria. Behind the altar wall are buried in the higher ranks of officers and 2 mass graves of soldiers.
Church of St. Alexander Nevsky in Minsk
St. Alexander Nevsky Church - a monument of architecture retrospective Russian style. Built in 1896-98 years in the military cemetery as a memorial church in honor of the victory in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-78 years.
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Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Military Cemetery
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