Folk Art Museum of Belarus in Raubichi

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Folk Museum of Arts in Raubichi was opened in 1979, in a place that has come a long and interesting way through the pages of history. Legend has it that the first temple, dating from 1650, was built after the appearance of Our Lady that protect local gentry Lukas Halyava during a severe thunderstorm. The stone building was erected on the site of a wooden church in the 1858-1862 biennium. Church of the Assumption Church Holyavschinskoy chronicle attributes the priest Antony Voronetsky - the abbot of the previous wooden church, which is fond of carpentry.

The construction was under the supervision of the local committee of the neighboring landowners whose representative was Countess Maria Tyszkiewicz from the Radziwill family. Fixed assets were donations of the faithful. In connection with the uprising in 1863 and the church was closed in 1866 pereosvyaschen under Orthodox Church of the Assumption. Since 1866, he acted as the Assumption, and in 1873 - as the Krestogorskogo church. Near the temple was a number of different economic and residential buildings. In 1880, before the temple were placed wooden bell tower and the chapel, but to this day they have not been preserved. In 1930 the church was closed.

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. the building was significantly damaged and the restoration was carried out. In 1970-ies. It began construction of the USC "Raubichi." The building of the former church turned out in the sports complex. It was decided to demolish the ruins of a building, so they do not spoil the overall look of a sports facility. However, at the last moment it was decided not to destroy, but to restore the building and adapt it for the Museum of the Belarusian folk art. From 1975 to 1978. Restoration work took place, which were conducted Research Design Bureau of Special Scientific Restoration Workshops of the BSSR Ministry of Culture, headed by a leading architect of the LV Pavlova. According to the project of restoration, it was decided to return the building of the image that would correspond to the period it was built in the late XIX century. December 12, 1979 in the building of the former church was opened Museum of the Belarusian folk art.


”The main exhibition” The main exhibition of the museum introduces the traditional folk art of XVI - the beginning of XX century and the works of contemporary artists working in the most common kinds of folk ar.

Working hours

Administration 10:00 - 17:00 weekend Monday, Tuesday

Cash 10:00 - 17:00 weekend Monday, Tuesday

Exposure 10:00 - 17:00 weekend Monday, Tuesday

On the map


223054 Minsk., Minsk district, Ostroshitsky Town