The museum organizes lectures (by appointment) on various topics: "Pervovera ancestors (pre-Christian beliefs and culture of the ancient population of Belarus)," "The Christianization of Belarusian lands and Christian Culture X - XIII century", "The Orthodox Church and Culture in Belarus", "Catholic Church and Culture in Belarus", "Uniate Church and Culture in Belarus ", "Protestantism and Culture in Belarus", "beginning was the word ... (The Bible - the book of books)", "The symbolism of the icon", "earthly life of Our Lady", "Christian shrines Belarus", "The Catholic Church and the monasteries of Grodno", "Ancient Grodno", "The Enlightenment Belarus - Euphrosyne of Polotsk and Francis Skoryna", "Life saving (spiritual endeavor priests during the Great Patriotic War)", "Famous couple of Grodno (Hrodna David, Vytautas the Great, Stefan Batory Foundation)", "National defense, fighting against the Crusaders", "The symbolism of architecture and interior design of the Christian temple", "Saints names", "Women kind Radyvyliv in religion and culture XVI - XVIII centuries", "Celebrations of the national calendar", "Link of Times: Russian towel", "Belarusian folk costume: ancestral traditions", "From the Cradle to the heavens ...", "The holy roots", "Silent Witnesses of the past", "Myths and legends about ancient gods", "In the Land of masters", "destructive sects and their impact on young people" (for teachers). In addition you can visit the Museum of lectures classes for high school chiefs class of Grodno "Journey to the Past White Russia", "Flashback" for schools and educational institutions. 1-2 times a week there are concerts with performances Grodno Philharmonic Orchestra Grodno, burgundy, folk groups, etc. By agreement are dramas - Puppet shows in the performance of home theater "Marja-mistress" and the holiday "Day and Night at the Museum" - a comprehensive holiday program including vocal and dance performances, games, workshops, etc. In the museum you can buy a booklet about Museum Pocket Calendar, postcards of Grodno, mini-cards in retro style, decorative plates with images of the museum building, etc., souvenir magnets, books, mugs Symbols museum.
The research work focuses on the study tour on the topics "Religion and Art in Belarus" (including writing articles, speaking at conferences, working with archives and private collections), preparation of scientific certificates for stock items of the museum. Museum of diplomas awarded for winning the nomination "The Best Job restorer" at the First National Forum "Museums of Belarus."
Grodno State Museum of Religion History offers for tourists to participate in the museum`s workshop «Wonders of Belarusian masters» during which adults and children learn about the traditions of Belarusian manufacturing zones, their ritual purpose. Each participant will have the opportunity to make his belt, which will remain in memory of visiting a museum. Besides the main exhibition, the attention of tourists may also be asked to stay in the city, during which you can see castles (XVI-XVIII centuries.), Boris and Gleb Church in XII., Cathedral Church of St. Xavier and other attractions.