Archaeological Museum Berestye

Archaeological Museum Berestye Archaeological Museum Berestye Archaeological Museum Berestye Archaeological Museum Berestye Archaeological Museum Berestye Archaeological Museum Berestye Archaeological Museum Berestye Archaeological Museum Berestye Archaeological Museum Berestye Archaeological Museum Berestye Archaeological Museum Berestye Archaeological Museum Berestye Archaeological Museum Berestye
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Exhibition displays



Locks and keys XI - XVI centuries found during archaeological excavations in Berestye Berestya. On existence of different crafts evidenced by the remains of various tools, raw materials, semi-finished and finished products.

iron processing presented instruments of labor - forging hammer and tongs; woodworking tools - axes, adzes, drills, chisels, adze-plane, chertets decoration of arms, weapons and protective gear rider and horse. Besides largest category of finds are various locking devices: locks, keys, spring shackle cylinder locks, antics, springs from internal locks.

shaver the most rare and interesting finds from the black metal of the exposition. In Belarus are the only ones.

women”s jewelery kolty, temple rings, necklaces, pendants, bracelets, rings, rings. Noteworthy billonovy Colt with a symbolic figure of germinating grain. Colt is among the most valuable and expensive women's jewelry headdress. Colt was hollow inside. Invest in it with a cloth dampened with fragrant oils. Considered unique boxwood comb carved with letters of the alphabet - Cyrillic on both sides. On one side of the are 6 characters and on the other side are 7. This comb - the oldest and the only "textbook" to teach literacy in Belarus.

craft the materials for bone carving crafts (horns and bones of elk, deer tour, deer, pets), fragments of wool, spindle, loom parts, Leather Shoes XIII - XIV centuries., utensils (pots, pitchers, bowls, pans, woks ) made an early potter's wheel, woodworking tools (axes, adzes, chisels, adze, drill, knife, cutter), archaeological finds of crops (flax and hemp seeds), and agricultural implements (oak plow - a unique find in the thirteenth century, the only in Europe this time, ferrules - naralnik and opener), butter pulp, elements in the XIII century (bone chess pieces - the king and the rook, carved from wood and bone).

Christianity in Berestye iron, amber and stone crosses, fragments of two crosses, encolpion Spoon, communion, icon-insert with a picture of the Virgin Orans.

Working hours

Administration 10:00 - 18:00 weekend Monday

Cash 10:00 - 18:00 weekend Monday

Exposure 10:00 - 18:00 weekend Monday

On the map


224018, Republic of Belarus, Brest, Brest Fortress, Hospital island

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