Museum of history of Kletchina

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Exhibition displays



”Distant Past” the materials found during excavations in the city and region in the period from prehistoric times to the end of the XVIII century. Visitors will learn about the history and development of the city. Are represented 425 exhibits.

Militsia museum stablished in 2010 in the building Kletsk militsia department and is dedicated to the history of dumpling police.

”Bright constellation names” exhibition dedicated to the famous compatriots, natives in Kletchina.

”National culture of Kletchina” exhibition includes 214 exhibits reflecting the traditions and life of national minorities living in Kletchina (objects of decorative art, glass, textiles, appliances and apparatus).

unstable exposure temporary exhibitions of the museum and other institutions.

”The tragic pages of the past” the exhibit hall has 301 exhibit is devoted to the events of the Civil, World War II, the war in Afghanistan. Presented arms, clothes, photos, coins.

”Guerrilla dugout” exposure created by the staff of the museum in the basement of the former.

Working hours

Administration 9.00 - 18.00 weekend Monday

Cash 9.00 - 18.00 weekend Monday

Exposure 9.00 - 18.00 weekend Monday

On the map


222531, Republic of Belarus, Minsk region, Kletsk, Gagarin str. , 6

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