Cherikov state historical-ethnographic museum

Cherikov state historical-ethnographic museum
+1 photo



Local History

Exhibition displays



”Nature” natural-historical and documentary collections. Is an artificial forest area with wild animals, birds, fish, timber documentation organization GLHU "Cherikov Forestry".

Pre-revolutionary period in the history of the region collections of archeology, objects, bonistics, numismatics. Presented archaeological sites, artifacts found on archaeological sites, objects of everyday life at the time, tools. This department is a family Obolensky, whose lands were located on the territory of Cherikov edge.

Model of a peasant”s hut late XIX - XX century ethnographic collection is presented in the form of peasant dwellings equipped with a Russian stove and all the necessary life of the peasants of the period fittings.

”Lemenskaya school-commune” collection of household items, documents, documentary photographs. Is the story of a school-commune for orphans on Cherikovschine. For information about the creator of the school commune Lepeshinskii M.N. Dweller Lemenskoy school commune.

”Great Patriotic War” collection of military history, weapons, documents, photographs, faleristics. Reflects the period of occupation by Nazi invaders Cherikov district. Submitted heroes-countrymen, natives Cherikovschiny, There are two qualitatively the artists panorama of battles. Reflected the guerrilla movement, the underground, the release Cherikov district from Nazi invaders.

Working hours

Administration 08:00 - 17:00 weekend Saturday, Sunday

Cash 08:00 - 17:00 weekend Sunday

Exposure 08:00 - 17:00 weekend Sunday

On the map


213533, Republic of Belarus, Mogilev region, Cherikov, Lenin st., 180

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