Belynichi region art museum named after V.K. Belynichski-Birulia

Belynichi region art museum named after V.K. Belynichski-Birulia Belynichi region art museum named after V.K. Belynichski-Birulia Belynichi region art museum named after V.K. Belynichski-Birulia Belynichi region art museum named after V.K. Belynichski-Birulia Belynichi region art museum named after V.K. Belynichski-Birulia
+5 photo




Exhibition displays



Painting 27 works of Byalinsky-Birula, the artists second half of the twentieth century - Kroholev, Shibnev, Krasovskii, Tsvirko, Shchemelev.

Graphics collection of graphic works by artists second half of the twentieth century - Shuravovich, Gerus, Leytman, Asetsky, Gutiev, Kiselev, Ovchinnikov, etc.

Belarusian sculpture 51 works of Famous belarusian sculptors Azgur, Gumilevsky, Misko, Zasticky.

Life of Byalynickij-Birulya in photos 91 photos, which reflect areas of life and the artist, photos of the participants of the International Plein Air memory Byalynitsky-Birula, working points en plein air, etc.

Written sources contains two letters of Byalynitsky-Birula, stamp and mail the envelope issued by the 125th anniversary of the artist.

Arts and crafts 23 subjects weaving: tablecloths, towels, made ​​by local craftsmen.

Working hours

Administration 08:00 - 17:00 weekend Sunday

Cash 08:00 - 17:00 weekend Sunday

Exposure 08:00 - 17:00 weekend Sunday

On the map


213051, Republic of Belarus, Mogilev region, Belynichi, Sovetskaya str., 13a

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