Grodno state historical-archaeological museum

Grodno state historical-archaeological museum Grodno state historical-archaeological museum Grodno state historical-archaeological museum Grodno state historical-archaeological museum Grodno state historical-archaeological museum Grodno state historical-archaeological museum Grodno state historical-archaeological museum Grodno state historical-archaeological museum Grodno state historical-archaeological museum Grodno state historical-archaeological museum Grodno state historical-archaeological museum Grodno state historical-archaeological museum Grodno state historical-archaeological museum Grodno state historical-archaeological museum Grodno state historical-archaeological museum Grodno state historical-archaeological museum Grodno state historical-archaeological museum Grodno state historical-archaeological museum Grodno state historical-archaeological museum Grodno state historical-archaeological museum Grodno state historical-archaeological museum Grodno state historical-archaeological museum Grodno state historical-archaeological museum Grodno state historical-archaeological museum Grodno state historical-archaeological museum Grodno state historical-archaeological museum Grodno state historical-archaeological museum Grodno state historical-archaeological museum
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Exhibition displays



”The most ancient monuments Ponemon X century BC - XII century BC” represented the earliest evidence of human activity in the Grodno region since the Paleolithic era, the main stages of the Belarusian settlement Poneman, shows the characteristics of the material culture of the tribes who inhabited the territory of the region during the Stone, Bronze, Iron ages. In the windows can be seen as a very rare chance finds, and the most interesting materials of archaeological research 1920-1990, which give an idea about the unique spiritual and material culture of the population of the region from antiquity to the XII century.

”The history of the Grodno region XII - begin XX centuries” presents collections "Archaeology", "Weapons", "Numismatics", "Documents", "Photo", "Genesis", "Arts and Crafts", "Painting", "Musical Instruments", "Ethnography"? contains material of political and economic history of the region and the city of Grodno, reflects the most important events in the region peacetime and war stories of different centuries, recounts the history of the Grodno castle, the stages of development of the city, tells the story of public figures, celebrities.

”Grodno region in the years of the Great Patriotic War” describes the first defensive battles in the summer of 1941, the occupation regime, the guerrilla movement, "Operation Bagration". On display are weapons (including 45-mm anti-tank gun), underground publications, awards. A special place is occupied complexes devoted to the famous natives of Grodno - participants of the Great Patriotic War - S.Vorkovu, N.Pavlovskomu, A.Antonovu, V.Sokolovskomu.

”Grodno in the Afghan War” describes the social order of Afghanistan, the country's life in the years 1979-1989., participation in the Afghanistan war, soldiers and officers - natives of the Grodno region. The exhibition is based on the original photos, documents, awards soldiers-internationalists shows weapons and military uniforms. A special place is kind of Grodno "island of tears" with pictures of 73 natives of Grodno, who died in Afghanistan and other local conflicts in the second half of the twentieth century.

”Nature Prinemanskogo edge” talks about the local nature. Here you can take a trip to ancient times and trace the progressive development of life on Earth from its simplest form to the vast diversity in the present. Reflected phenology, showing the diversity of flora and fauna of water bodies, meadows and forests Poneman, who represented Biogroup, exhibition complex and dioramas, showing a lot of members of the "Red Book of the Republic of Belarus".

”Lower Church” the lower church is one of the original sites of Grodno school of architecture of the XII century. Today only preserved remains of the walls of the church, which are conserved and are in a special pavilion. It built a special area for the inspection of the temple on top, placed information boards with photographs of the Church of the research process, as well as photos of the individual findings, which were used for the interior decoration of the church.

”Saved Values​​” the exhibition features works of art and historical relics XVI - XX century. Among the works of decorative art are the clocks of different types (desktop, handheld, road). Noblest kind of ceramics is porcelain is represented small plastic tableware manufacturing factories of Meissen and Nymphenburg, the Berlin Royal Porcelain Manufactory, St. Petersburg Imperial Porcelain Factory. A collection of silver jewelry includes elegant silverware in England, France and Russia. In the halls are exhibited different icon, including salaries.

”Weapons of past centuries” showing samples of arms XI-beg. XX centuries. Among these archaeological finds XI-XIII centuries, Various types of weapons and firearms, armor, uniforms and equipment of the troops of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Russian army and the East.

”The wonderful world of nature” the basis of the exhibition put private collection resident Grodno Stanislaus Zhivno he collected a long time when I lived and worked in America. Here you can see the representatives of the depths of the seas and oceans, animals of different geographic areas of the world, exotic insects and many other exhibits that are little-known fauna from different continents.

”Antique interior” shows a collection of furniture and a number of interior and decorative arts, sculpture, painting, drawing XVII - XX century.

”Museum of the History of Gorodnitsa” devoted to the activities of Grodno elders and podskarbiya outhouse Lithuanian Tizengauz Anthony, who sought to turn Grodno in developed industrial, scientific and cultural center.

Working hours

Administration 08:30 - 17:30 weekend Saturday, Sunday

Cash 10:00 - 17:00 weekend Monday

Exposure 10:00 - 18:00 weekend Monday

On the map


230023, Republic of Belarus, Grodno region, Grodno, Castle st., 20

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