
Constructivism - a direction in the Soviet art of 1920th was formed in послереволюционный the period and bore on itself lines of a social utopia as art designing was thought as a way of transformation of social being and consciousness of people, environment designing. The basic lines - aspiration to designing of things, the art organization of the material environment where the external form was directly defined by function, an engineering design and technology of processing of a material. Ostentatious luxury of a life constructivists aspired to oppose simplicity and underlined утилитаризм new subject forms.
Bright representatives of the given style in Belarus are Officers' Club in Grodno, a church of St. Antonija Paduansky in Brest. Constructivism – that architectural style which has transformed Minsk into capital (the House of the Government, cases of Polytechnical university, etc.).

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