The talent of famous writer, feuilletonist, publicist blossomed in Radoshkovichi. Yadvigin Sh. wrote the play «ZlOdzey» here in 1892. The belarusian-circle of intellectuals was trying to put it on the amateur stage. The organizers were going to open a hospital on the money from the performance. But when all rehearsals had been finished, the play was banned by local authorities. The audience has never seen the play «ZlOdzey» in Belarusian. It went into the history of the Belarusian theater as Theatrical intention in Radoshkovichy. Later the manuscript of the play was lost.
Yadvigin Sh. is the author of collections of short stories «Berezka», «Vasilki», «Tales» and the essay «Ded Zavala», the book «Memories» and the unfinished novel «Gold».