Monument to prince Boris
In the annals of the Belarusian-Lithuanian town of Borisov was mentioned by
the year 1102. ”In 1102, Prince Boris Vseslavich went
to Yatvingians and won
it, returning, put the city in his name ...” So,
according to the Belarusian-Lithuanian historiography, appeared on the
confluence of the Sha and the Berezina rivers, city - named after Polotsk prince
Boris Vseslavovicha.
Prince Boris (christened Rogvolod) was born probably in 1054. He was the
son of Prince Vseslav Bryacheslavovicha (Sorcerer), Polotsk descendant of Rurik.
Prince Boris was an active champion of orthodoxy, was concerned about the spread
of Christianity in the Polotsk land, even when a significant portion of people
who have accepted the new faith, continued to worship the pagan fetishes. He was
a devotee of the spiritual culture, writing, new views. Boris founded
Borisoglebsky (Belchitsky) monastery near Polotsk, patron of Euphrosyne of
Polotsk in her pious activities. After his father died in 1101 Boris took the
throne of Polotsk. The activity of the prince is also associated epigraphy
famous monuments - ”Boris”s stones.”
The monument to the
annalistic founder of a city is installed on the central square of
Borisov in 2002 to 900 - anniversary of Borisov. Sculptor A. Artimovich
architect E.Kovalevskogo and Morozov.
On the map
Рэспубліка Беларусь, Мінская вобласць, Барысаў, Цэнтральная плошча