St. Maria Egypt church in Vilejka

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St. Maria Egipetsky”s Church - a monument of retrospectively-russian style. It is erected from a brick in 1816. Church has been built under «Byzantian (Old Russian) architecture, and a church under ”Gothic style”. Structures are executed with high professionalism, is well looked through qualitative portrayal of forms and details.

Saint Maria Egipetsky — christian sacred, is considered the patroness of repenting women. Maria was born in Egypt in the middle of V centuries and at the age of twelve years has left parents, having left to Alexandria, where became the loose woman. Once Maria, having seen group of the pilgrims going in Jerusalem for Vozdvizhenija Krest Gospodnja holiday, it has joined them, but not with pious thoughts. In Jerusalem Maria has tried to enter into the Coffin temple Good, but any force kept it. Having realized the falling, it has begun to pray before an icon of the virgin. After that it could enter into a temple and bow to the life-giving Cross. Leaving, Maria again has addressed with a thankful prayer to maiden Maria and has heard the voice which has told to it — «If you will pass for Jordan you will find blissful rest». Having listened commands, Maria has accepted a participle and, having passed Jordan, has lodged in desert, where has spent 47 years in a full solitude, a post and penitential prayers. The Christian dogma considers Maria Egipetsky”s example as the sample of a perfect repentance. It is considered that on prayers to the Saint Maria, believing can get rid of lascivious passion.

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Vilejka, Lenin's area