
Classicism (фр.classicisme, from lat.classicus - exemplary - art style and an esthetic direction in the European art XVII—XIX centuries At the heart of classicism lie ideas of rationalism which were formed simultaneously with those in Descartes's philosophy. The work of art, from the point of view of classicism, should be under construction on the basis of strict canons, thereby finding out symmetry and logicality of the universe. Many rules and canons classicism takes from ancient art (Aristotle, Goratsy). Architectural language of classicism has been formulated on Renaissance outcome by great Venetian master Palladio and its follower Skamotstsi. The reference to forms antique зодчестваа as to the standard of harmony, simplicity, severity, logic clearness and monumentalism, a regularity of a lay-out and clearness of the volume form was the main line of architecture. The warrant, in proportions and forms close to antiquity became a basis of architectural language of classicism. For classicism is symmetric-axial compositions, restraint of decorative furniture, regular system of a lay-out of cities are peculiar.
In Belarus the given style has widely extended thanks to a regular reorganization of cities in the end of XVIII century Especially was fell in love in farmstead building.

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